IIM Raipur Conducted Induction Programme for NIT Faculty


The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Raipur conducted an induction Programme for faculty from NIT Raipur who had joined the Institute in the last two years. Professor Sanjeev Prashar, Chairperson Executive Education and Professor Umesh Bamel, were the programme Directors for this induction programme held from September 6 to 10, 2016 at NIT Campus. During the inaugural of this five-day long programme, Prof. B. S. Sahay, Director IIM Raipur and Prof. Sudarshan Tiwari, Director, NIT Raipur addressed the faculty participants and encouraged them to gain maximum from their interaction with their colleagues and facilitators.

The induction programme was held with the objective to assess the current educational scenario and the challenges posed to the technical education system in terms of subject domain, course content, changing pedagogies and applications of IT in class learning process. It aimed at learning to relate self with vision of the Institute and translating Institutional priorities into self-objectives and goals and also to understand self, understand others and to learn managing relationships at workplace. Further emphasis was laid on how to appreciate the various administrative and operational functions of an Institute.

Regarding this Induction Programme, Prof. Sanjeev Prashar, Chairperson Executive Education said that academic institutions should achieve excellence by developing in their faculty an understanding of institute’s Vision and Mission, Strategic Planning; Process Management; Students, Stakeholders & Market Focus; Faculty & Staff Focus and Focus on the future of the institution.

Over the five days, the 19 faculty participants explored issues related to self, teaching and research through various activities, cases and lectures delivered during the programme. The topics covered in this five day FDP were - Accreditation and Washington Accord, Participant Centric Learning, Assessing Self Strengths and Weakness, Managing Research Grants & Publishing in world class journals, Improving Teaching-Learning Process, Evaluation Techniques & Feedback for Self-development, Achieving Academic Excellence, Communicating with Students, Time Management & Priority Settings, Managing Academic Resources; Chalk & Talk and Beyond; Vision Mission and Strategic Reconciliation in Institutes. All the participants expressed their deep sense of satisfaction and feeling of fulfillment on their great learning from the various topics chosen for the induction programme.

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